Maria Koromina

korominaMaria Koromina is a Post-doctoral Researcher in Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics in the Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics and Individualised Therapy, School of Pharmacy, University of Patras.
She focuses on the analysis of large-scale ‘-omics’ data (i.e WGS and WES data), whilst having a keen interest in identifying genes with susceptibility for neurodevelopmental diseases. Moreover, she is using bioinformatics tools to identify pharmacogenomics biomarkers. Maria completed her bachelor studies in the School of Pharmacy, University of Patras and then she went on to complete a Masters by Research degree (Merit) in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Nottingham.
After finishing her MRes studies, she received a Vice Chancellor's Scholarship for Research Excellence to complete her PhD studies in Genetics at the University of Nottingham.

She has participated in big European and International conferences and she has developed a keen research interest in investigating the association of common and rare genetic variants with neuropsychiatric disease risk.