Evangelia-Eirini (Evira) Tsermpini

tsermpiniDr. Tsermpini Evangelia Eirini (Evira) is an Academic Scholar of the Psychiatric Clinic of Department of Medicine and Department of Pharmacy of the University of Patras in Greece, as well as a Senior Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy of the Department of Pharmacy.
Her field of expertise focuses on the development of schizophrenic and emotional psychosis and the individualization of treatment for psychiatric disorders. During her Ph.D., she obtained the IPA Fellowship and worked as a Research Associate in Japan, at the RIKEN research institute, as well as at the University of Cagliari under the frame of LLP-Erasmus Scholarship.

She was been awarded at the 6th International Conference for Brain and behavior, for the research she was performed, has published several chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals and has been served as an editor in special issues and books.